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User Tools

Режимы SMS

This section is available only on cameras with GSM modem support (see camera models)

These settings let you configure sending SMS notifications about camera events and rules for processing SMS команд.

Error Notification

This option lets you enable or disable sending SMS notifications to the device administrator if the mobile phone number has been specified in the user settings section.

Even if error notifications are disabled, errors will be stored in the log file.

Snapshot Notification

If snapshot notifications are enabled, the device administrator will receive notifications about camera triggering (if the mobile phone number has been specified in the user settings section).

SMS Command Wait Time

This parameter represents the time which the camera will need to get administrator’s SMS command after each triggering. You can disable the Wait Time or choose an option from 1 to 5 minutes.

SMS Command Wait Time affects the power consumption of the device because the GSM modem will be kept on after the device was triggered. Therefore, if you are not going to use SMS commands, disable Wait Time. This will preserve your device’s battery life.